French Introduction Markets Mission Personnel Realizations Services 


Here are some examples of services provided by Enviromet and its associates

Software development

bulletCorrection of Y2K bug in programs 
bulletDevelopment of specialized programs to validate meteorological and air quality data
bulletDevelopment of user-friendly programs to use with atmospheric dispersion modeling programs 
bulletProgramming in Visual Basic 6.0 or FORTRAN
bulletDevelopment of programs for data acquisition from meteorological sensors with the use of special numerical filters 
bulletDevelopment of specialized numerical dispersion models 
bulletOn-site implementation of specialized programs in meteorology in air quality
bulletTraining of client's personnel to the use of meteorological and air quality software 
bulletDelivery of turn-key systems


bulletMETPREP: converts Environment Canada data to the proper format to be used with EPA's models such as ISCST3 and BLP
bulletSynthetic meteorological data to be used in ISCST3 model in level 1 studies submitted to MENV


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Updated on : 05/01/06.