French Introduction Markets Mission Personnel Realizations Services 

Renewable Energies

Here are some examples of services provided by Enviromet and its associates

Wind Energy

bulletSelection of sites that will provide the best estimate for the wind energy potential Installation of meteorological towers to evaluate wind energy potential 
bulletSelection of meteorological instruments
bulletMaintenance of meteorological towers and of their instruments
bulletValidation of meteorological data
bulletComputation of available wind energy
bulletSpatial interpolation of data
bulletProduction of wind energy atlases 

Solar Energy

bulletSelection of sites that will provide the best estimate for the solar energy potential 
bulletInstallation of instruments for measuring solar energy 
bullet Maintenance of instruments
bulletValidation of data
bulletComputation of available solar energy
bulletSpatial interpolation of data
bulletProduction of solar energy atlases 
bulletModeling of solar energy


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Updated on : 05/01/06.