French Introduction Markets Mission Personnel Realizations Services 


Examples of realizations by Enviromet and its associates: 

bulletEvaluation of odors at a pulp and paper mill 
bulletModeling of odors at Royal Mat plant in Beauceville
bulletModeling of styrene at Fibre de verre Rioux plant in Sainte-Françoise : the criterion is based on odors
bulletModeling of styrene at 3 Camoplast plants
bulletEvaluation and characterization of odors at a site in Grandes-Piles.
bulletOdor characterisation dat the Miron sanitary landfill site in Montreal
bulletElaboration and validation of jury selection protocols for establishing odor intensity panels
bulletParticipation to the development of a dynamic dilution olfactometre for Tecnovir.
bulletParticipation to the new directive for animal production establishments, for MENV.


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Updated on : 05/01/06.