French Introduction Markets Mission Personnel Realizations Services 

Claude Lelièvre, Ph. D.


Academic Background:

1990 : Ph. D. in Water Sciences, specialized in Meteorology, INRS-Eau  
1976 : M. Sc. in meteorology, University of Alberta
1973 : Certificate in Meteorology, UQÀM  
1972 : B. Sc. in  Physics, University of Montreal  
1969 : B. A., University of Montreal

Work Experience:

bullet Since 1996 : President and Director of computing services, Enviromet  
bullet 1990-1995 : Director of Scientific and Computing Services, Meteoglobe Canada 
bullet 1990 : Senior Consultant in Meteorology and Air Quality, Roche Ltd. 
bullet 1979-1990 : Climatologist and Specialist in Air Quality, Environment Quebec 
bullet 1972-1979 : Meteorologist and Senior Meteorologist, Environment Canada 
bullet 1983-1997 : Lecturer in Meteorology and in Air Quality at UQÀM and UQTR


bullet Supervision of technical and scientific personnel 
bullet Management of an air quality network 
bullet Preparation of weather forecasts 
bullet Lecturing at the University level 
bullet Characterization of odors at a landfill site 
bullet Counsel to the Consultative Counsel in Environment on the proposed by-law on the protection of the ozone layer 
bullet Counsel to the City of Montreal on the proposed by-law on the use of CFC to protect the ozone layer 
bullet Revision of the guide on atmospheric dispersion modeling by MENV 
bullet Development of the CHIMIOTOX (air) index for Saint-Lawrence Action Plan 
bullet Modeling of the atmospheric dispersion of pollutants emitted by industrial sources 
bullet Establishment of air quality monitoring networks 
bullet Study of the impact of service establishments on the air quality of Mexico 
bullet Development of a long-range transport model for atmospheric pollutants 
bullet Participation to the redaction of provincial regulations on air quality 
bullet Study of the climatic impacts of the reservoirs created by Hydro-Quebec 
bullet Study of the winds between Blanc-Sablon and Vieux-Fort 
bullet Snowfall study for the City of Montreal 
bullet Determination of the best site for the establishment of an international airport in Costa-Rica 
bullet Development of algorithms for the operation of an olfactometer 
bullet Development of environmental data analysis and validation

Associations :

bullet Quebec Professional Association of Meteorologists (past president) 
bullet Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Quebec 
bullet Climatology Association (private sector representative) American 
bullet Air & Waste Management Association 
bullet Association pour la Prévention de la Contamination Atmosphérique et des Sols (president) 
bullet Grappe de développement des industries de l'environnement


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Updated on : 05/01/06.